Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Feb 6, 2012

Well you should at least tell me who won the Super bowl! Hahaha we all totally forgot it was super bowl time I hear the broncos were in it for a while...? Not super bowl but making progress, here it’s all about baseball we have the Caribbean tournament going down. DR I think is undefeated!! Woot mission country pride!! Ha-ha but yea it’s all everyone talks about, DK we destroyed Mexico last night. But enough about those worldly things right;)
I lied, I can’t wait to see that Ferris bueler commercial.
Tell Chris I Say hey back, and to Ryan sorry for responding so late but Ice climbing wow! I defiantly want to do that when I get although it requires mostly brute strength.... I’ve gotten bad at that... though I started exercising again in the mornings a while back, so hopefully he won’t be too far ahead of me.
But man, I love the mission! It’s tough, but wow what a blast! I’ve been really focusing and being obedient with exactness and doing the lords will and all that jazz. And I really feel like I’ve been progressing a lot... well I’m defiantly better then yesterday right? Ha-ha that’s all we need to do take it one day at a time one decision at a time. That all that’s really matters. The little things, little things govern your life. If you do little things that are good, you won’t do big bad things. Like an example. If you do these five little things every day in a week your life will be changing for the better you’ll feel it.
1) say your morning and nightly prayers- that’s how we communicate with God, if we aren’t praying were not tuning in to the will of our father and that’s part of the purpose of prayer no to change his will to accordance to yours. But to align your will to his, to seek his will. ( check bible dictionary)
2) read our scriptures- how are we supposed to know his will if we´re not searching the hand book or guidebook he gave to us, it’s FULL of his commandments his council and examples. We can’t complete with his commandment till we know them.
3) Exercise a little self-control... D&C says that to every commandment, there is a blessing and when we want to receive that blessing, we have to obey the command upon which that blessing was predicated. There are so many little blessing were missing out on daily, hourly... just because we don’t have a little self-control. may think what kind of blessing will I be missing out on just because I listened to this song, it’s got what 5 bad words one bad theme, but that theme will just keep repeating in your head over and over, curiosity will get to you starting thinking about that theme and bammmm!!!! Hahaha nothing happens it was just a thought but it’ll return when you listen to it again latter but it’ll be easy to think about it easy to dig deeper into thoughts. By small and simple things great things are brought to pass, that can work for great things as well as horrendously bad things. like the frog in the pot story we all know that he won’t throw you into a pot of boiling water but he throw you into a nice luke warm that’s comfortable, but you know how it goes... but what I was going to say was follow the promptings from the holy ghost:)
4) those little things, service, the more you read the scriptures the more you pray, the more desire you’ll have to be obedient. Now if you start acting a little on that. You see someone struggling with three bags; you have a free hand but are walking the other direction.... I’m sure it won’t be too hard to walk the other way with them a little carrying that third bag, you can make lots of friends that way and feel better about yourself, I know I’ve made lots of friends walking in the other direction for a little. You can too! Hahaha little things...
5) quit worrying what others think I’m starting to really learn that’s just a waste of time. And make you have gray hairs WAY quicker than necessary. That’s for sure. If I don’t know, some times we think people will think were weird for reading scriptures, praying, or asking if they need help with their bag, it doesn’t matter, most people in the street you’ll probably never see again. If so it’ll be in passing and you’ll probably say hey keep walking.
Don’t worry all that matters is what God thinks.
But yea those are some of the things I’ve been thinking about this week you know trying to be obedient.
Oh and today, I complete 16 months! wooh! And we get to see Elder Bednar!!!!!! The 18th!!!!! Woot and the temple a week or so after!!!!!! Woot!!!!! and 3-4 baptisms planned for the 25th!!!!! wooooo!!!!! Hahaha the mission is fun but man it is hard, so worth it.
1 Corinthians 13 11
love you all!
Elder Zelasko

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