Hi ya!
How are all you doing? I´m doing great. This P-day we played baseball with los cartones. A SUPER cool group of kids. It was a Blast! The most fun I’ve had in a pday! Super super fun. My team won 2-1 yea and each game was to 20 runs. The second game we won 20 - 0 it was domination. But the third game we changed some positioning and we ended up losing. But it was like 15 to 20 so we were still close. But that sun was HOT: ) my necks burnt. oh well. It was way worth it. I think we’ll be doing it again this next pday! super super fun. But yea. It goes to show you don’t need money to have fun. Just need a tennis ball and a stick and your good to go. Lots of fun!
Transfers are coming up on the 11th? We'll get the call. I think I may be finally leaving this area. But I wouldn’t mind staying another transfer
Especially if I can play baseball every Pday! ;) Na the work here is progressing great. We should be having 3 baptisms on mom’s birthday.
We´ll see what happens. Maybe it’ll be four ;) I ´ve decided the last 6 months of my mission I won’t send a photo home, because then
You´ll all have to wonder what I look like and if I send all the photos home now they’ll be no point looking at them when I get home right
Right? That’s what I thought so to save us awkwardly having nothing to talk about on my end. I’ll have tons to ask you guys about. Like how do
You drive again? Where’s the rice?! What do you mean there’s no colmados around here? $1 for bottle with water, try 10 pesos! I hear
Water is super expensive there. Like a bottle of disane water is $1.5? oye que bobo.
The more I serve here in las matas the more I love it! It’s just awesome here. Just super simple and awesome. I wish there was a super market
But I can deal with that for now; I’m starting to learn how to really cook some bomb rice! trying to learn the beans now. dk its super easy,
But I guess I’ll just have to try it out soon.
But sadly, nothing new is really going on here. Were just working hard, nothing really happens in lass mates it’s a really small town
Were there’s nothing happening, I’m thinking of coming back and buying a rice farm. And importing it state side then eventually
A wheat and flour farm too. And what I’ll do is have a bunch of members work on it and the can buy the grains super cheap and yea
it’ll almost be like bishop store house farms state side, it’ll be cool I really want to talk to the church about that what we´d need to get something
Like that started here, a bishops storehouse. Its super easy to do and yea. idk
ha-ha I just said IDK
But yea I love you all and hope your week is amazing.
Elder Zelasko
Oh PS I know how to crack a whip now! I’m still learning I can do it as well as Dominicans but I can do it now. Sort of.
Letters sent home from my mission. Minus the personal info and responces.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Feb 20, 2012
Oh so guess what happened this last Saturday!? We saw Elder Bednar! Ahhh yea!! Plus to top it we had Pres. Gonzalez (of the pres. of the Seventy) elder McMullan (of the presiding bishop) Elder Cornish (70) and their wives and president of the mission and his wife... it was a powerhouse! And it wasn’t just a sit and listen but like a question and answer session, I was too intimidated to ask something, though I had a few questions... oh well... but yea i took a TON of notes, learned a ton! But yea now I just have to study them a lot and apply them, I learned a lot about teaching and following the spirit and all that jazz, now I just have to learn to apply it. It’ll be good.
I´ll try to get you all some pictures soon, I haven’t really taken any more... not much has happened, we still have mutual started, though the leaders still art going and we need to work on having it more structured and all that but.... its progressing and more youth are assisting.
What do you mean my antidotes? I have nothing like that, though if you’re looking for a remedy well you´ve come to the right place ;)Ç I can ask what every Dominican mom you want ha-ha for example if you’re sick with common flu drink orange juice with honey you’ll be better in a jiffy.
But hey love you all and hope your week is great,
Elder Zelasko
I´ll try to get you all some pictures soon, I haven’t really taken any more... not much has happened, we still have mutual started, though the leaders still art going and we need to work on having it more structured and all that but.... its progressing and more youth are assisting.
What do you mean my antidotes? I have nothing like that, though if you’re looking for a remedy well you´ve come to the right place ;)Ç I can ask what every Dominican mom you want ha-ha for example if you’re sick with common flu drink orange juice with honey you’ll be better in a jiffy.
But hey love you all and hope your week is great,
Elder Zelasko
Feb 13, 2012
Hahaha you can´t start hitting me with this kind of stuff, I have what 7.5 months left. Come on ;) I don’t know to tell the truth I’d have to see it but if you want, what I could do is because here the clothes are dirt-cheap! You know how everyone just donates to those places that are in need just a TON of clothes and stuff? Well here, at least they have an abundance of clothes because of those donations but what they really need is money to buy food, so what we have is the Haitian market! Ha-ha, AAALLL of them donations are in that market and people are selling them at super cheap like 1 buck to 5 bucks for anything. And the shoes you can get them as cheap as 1000 pesos for stuff like pumas Nikes and stuff like that. So if you wanted. I could maybe my last transfer during pday. Or something I can buy a few shirts because I got a like 2 jeans now. And I have quit a few shirts so I don’t think I’ll need many more. But yea ill need some winter stuff ill trust your judgment on that. Because I don’t know what kind of that there is.
But this week was sweet. We’re prepping to see elder Bednar! Woot!! The 18th were going to the capital! So we have to leave the 17th and maybe well get back the 19th! Sometimes it’s a hassle living this far out. But I’m sure the conference won’t take too long so I think we’ll get home at like 7 or 8 on the 18th. Then well have to go back up again in a week I think for the temple!!!! Woot! Oh, man I love the mission. So much fun. My comp and I are really trying to work hard this transfer. Trying to find some people to help you know, but the hard thing about where we are working now is that it’s mostly Haitians.... I love Haitians don’t get me wrong I actually like them better then Dominicans most of the time. The only problems these ones were working with speak very little Spanish or there’s like 3 of them but only one speaks Spanish so they either translate or the other two are just lost as can be. Though luckily with this I’ve picked up a few lines in creole. hah I can now say ¨see you tomorrow at 5¨ ( Really hope they don’t want to meet at any other hour ;) also ¨what’s up ¨ chilling and God so yea I’m really working up my vocab; ) though once they pick an interest they stick to it. We have one that we´ve been teaching for 4 weeks. But he still only has the first lesson and part of the second. he’s got his pamphlet and book of mormon in creole but when we try to talk to him it takes a while, but he hasn’t miss church once, and told us he feels bad if he doesn’t go to church, and that he feel something special every time he’s with us at church or reading. And he’s reading his¨ liv mormon an¨¨ now so that’s good. Just harder.
But yea we got some that are really progressing and will be baptized in 3 weeks now, Mabel rosi and cinthia. Three studs. All super cool working had have been assisting church for almost 3 months now. Super proud of them.
I’m really happy I got to serve here for an other transfer I was afraid at first like of no my 4th transfer in one area. But now I’m super in with the members I get to talk to my converts a lot more. I get to really know the area and it’s just cool over all. I really like it. Part of me really wouldn’t mind staying another but at the same time I’d like to see more of this country. Make some more friends. Got to love the mission it’s a blast.
Love you all
Elder Zelasko
But this week was sweet. We’re prepping to see elder Bednar! Woot!! The 18th were going to the capital! So we have to leave the 17th and maybe well get back the 19th! Sometimes it’s a hassle living this far out. But I’m sure the conference won’t take too long so I think we’ll get home at like 7 or 8 on the 18th. Then well have to go back up again in a week I think for the temple!!!! Woot! Oh, man I love the mission. So much fun. My comp and I are really trying to work hard this transfer. Trying to find some people to help you know, but the hard thing about where we are working now is that it’s mostly Haitians.... I love Haitians don’t get me wrong I actually like them better then Dominicans most of the time. The only problems these ones were working with speak very little Spanish or there’s like 3 of them but only one speaks Spanish so they either translate or the other two are just lost as can be. Though luckily with this I’ve picked up a few lines in creole. hah I can now say ¨see you tomorrow at 5¨ ( Really hope they don’t want to meet at any other hour ;) also ¨what’s up ¨ chilling and God so yea I’m really working up my vocab; ) though once they pick an interest they stick to it. We have one that we´ve been teaching for 4 weeks. But he still only has the first lesson and part of the second. he’s got his pamphlet and book of mormon in creole but when we try to talk to him it takes a while, but he hasn’t miss church once, and told us he feels bad if he doesn’t go to church, and that he feel something special every time he’s with us at church or reading. And he’s reading his¨ liv mormon an¨¨ now so that’s good. Just harder.
But yea we got some that are really progressing and will be baptized in 3 weeks now, Mabel rosi and cinthia. Three studs. All super cool working had have been assisting church for almost 3 months now. Super proud of them.
I’m really happy I got to serve here for an other transfer I was afraid at first like of no my 4th transfer in one area. But now I’m super in with the members I get to talk to my converts a lot more. I get to really know the area and it’s just cool over all. I really like it. Part of me really wouldn’t mind staying another but at the same time I’d like to see more of this country. Make some more friends. Got to love the mission it’s a blast.
Love you all
Elder Zelasko
Feb 6, 2012
Well you should at least tell me who won the Super bowl! Hahaha we all totally forgot it was super bowl time I hear the broncos were in it for a while...? Not super bowl but making progress, here it’s all about baseball we have the Caribbean tournament going down. DR I think is undefeated!! Woot mission country pride!! Ha-ha but yea it’s all everyone talks about, DK we destroyed Mexico last night. But enough about those worldly things right;)
I lied, I can’t wait to see that Ferris bueler commercial.
Tell Chris I Say hey back, and to Ryan sorry for responding so late but Ice climbing wow! I defiantly want to do that when I get although it requires mostly brute strength.... I’ve gotten bad at that... though I started exercising again in the mornings a while back, so hopefully he won’t be too far ahead of me.
But man, I love the mission! It’s tough, but wow what a blast! I’ve been really focusing and being obedient with exactness and doing the lords will and all that jazz. And I really feel like I’ve been progressing a lot... well I’m defiantly better then yesterday right? Ha-ha that’s all we need to do take it one day at a time one decision at a time. That all that’s really matters. The little things, little things govern your life. If you do little things that are good, you won’t do big bad things. Like an example. If you do these five little things every day in a week your life will be changing for the better you’ll feel it.
1) say your morning and nightly prayers- that’s how we communicate with God, if we aren’t praying were not tuning in to the will of our father and that’s part of the purpose of prayer no to change his will to accordance to yours. But to align your will to his, to seek his will. ( check bible dictionary)
2) read our scriptures- how are we supposed to know his will if we´re not searching the hand book or guidebook he gave to us, it’s FULL of his commandments his council and examples. We can’t complete with his commandment till we know them.
3) Exercise a little self-control... D&C says that to every commandment, there is a blessing and when we want to receive that blessing, we have to obey the command upon which that blessing was predicated. There are so many little blessing were missing out on daily, hourly... just because we don’t have a little self-control. may think what kind of blessing will I be missing out on just because I listened to this song, it’s got what 5 bad words one bad theme, but that theme will just keep repeating in your head over and over, curiosity will get to you starting thinking about that theme and bammmm!!!! Hahaha nothing happens it was just a thought but it’ll return when you listen to it again latter but it’ll be easy to think about it easy to dig deeper into thoughts. By small and simple things great things are brought to pass, that can work for great things as well as horrendously bad things. like the frog in the pot story we all know that he won’t throw you into a pot of boiling water but he throw you into a nice luke warm that’s comfortable, but you know how it goes... but what I was going to say was follow the promptings from the holy ghost:)
4) those little things, service, the more you read the scriptures the more you pray, the more desire you’ll have to be obedient. Now if you start acting a little on that. You see someone struggling with three bags; you have a free hand but are walking the other direction.... I’m sure it won’t be too hard to walk the other way with them a little carrying that third bag, you can make lots of friends that way and feel better about yourself, I know I’ve made lots of friends walking in the other direction for a little. You can too! Hahaha little things...
5) quit worrying what others think I’m starting to really learn that’s just a waste of time. And make you have gray hairs WAY quicker than necessary. That’s for sure. If I don’t know, some times we think people will think were weird for reading scriptures, praying, or asking if they need help with their bag, it doesn’t matter, most people in the street you’ll probably never see again. If so it’ll be in passing and you’ll probably say hey keep walking.
Don’t worry all that matters is what God thinks.
But yea those are some of the things I’ve been thinking about this week you know trying to be obedient.
Oh and today, I complete 16 months! wooh! And we get to see Elder Bednar!!!!!! The 18th!!!!! Woot and the temple a week or so after!!!!!! Woot!!!!! and 3-4 baptisms planned for the 25th!!!!! wooooo!!!!! Hahaha the mission is fun but man it is hard, so worth it.
1 Corinthians 13 11
love you all!
Elder Zelasko
I lied, I can’t wait to see that Ferris bueler commercial.
Tell Chris I Say hey back, and to Ryan sorry for responding so late but Ice climbing wow! I defiantly want to do that when I get although it requires mostly brute strength.... I’ve gotten bad at that... though I started exercising again in the mornings a while back, so hopefully he won’t be too far ahead of me.
But man, I love the mission! It’s tough, but wow what a blast! I’ve been really focusing and being obedient with exactness and doing the lords will and all that jazz. And I really feel like I’ve been progressing a lot... well I’m defiantly better then yesterday right? Ha-ha that’s all we need to do take it one day at a time one decision at a time. That all that’s really matters. The little things, little things govern your life. If you do little things that are good, you won’t do big bad things. Like an example. If you do these five little things every day in a week your life will be changing for the better you’ll feel it.
1) say your morning and nightly prayers- that’s how we communicate with God, if we aren’t praying were not tuning in to the will of our father and that’s part of the purpose of prayer no to change his will to accordance to yours. But to align your will to his, to seek his will. ( check bible dictionary)
2) read our scriptures- how are we supposed to know his will if we´re not searching the hand book or guidebook he gave to us, it’s FULL of his commandments his council and examples. We can’t complete with his commandment till we know them.
3) Exercise a little self-control... D&C says that to every commandment, there is a blessing and when we want to receive that blessing, we have to obey the command upon which that blessing was predicated. There are so many little blessing were missing out on daily, hourly... just because we don’t have a little self-control. may think what kind of blessing will I be missing out on just because I listened to this song, it’s got what 5 bad words one bad theme, but that theme will just keep repeating in your head over and over, curiosity will get to you starting thinking about that theme and bammmm!!!! Hahaha nothing happens it was just a thought but it’ll return when you listen to it again latter but it’ll be easy to think about it easy to dig deeper into thoughts. By small and simple things great things are brought to pass, that can work for great things as well as horrendously bad things. like the frog in the pot story we all know that he won’t throw you into a pot of boiling water but he throw you into a nice luke warm that’s comfortable, but you know how it goes... but what I was going to say was follow the promptings from the holy ghost:)
4) those little things, service, the more you read the scriptures the more you pray, the more desire you’ll have to be obedient. Now if you start acting a little on that. You see someone struggling with three bags; you have a free hand but are walking the other direction.... I’m sure it won’t be too hard to walk the other way with them a little carrying that third bag, you can make lots of friends that way and feel better about yourself, I know I’ve made lots of friends walking in the other direction for a little. You can too! Hahaha little things...
5) quit worrying what others think I’m starting to really learn that’s just a waste of time. And make you have gray hairs WAY quicker than necessary. That’s for sure. If I don’t know, some times we think people will think were weird for reading scriptures, praying, or asking if they need help with their bag, it doesn’t matter, most people in the street you’ll probably never see again. If so it’ll be in passing and you’ll probably say hey keep walking.
Don’t worry all that matters is what God thinks.
But yea those are some of the things I’ve been thinking about this week you know trying to be obedient.
Oh and today, I complete 16 months! wooh! And we get to see Elder Bednar!!!!!! The 18th!!!!! Woot and the temple a week or so after!!!!!! Woot!!!!! and 3-4 baptisms planned for the 25th!!!!! wooooo!!!!! Hahaha the mission is fun but man it is hard, so worth it.
1 Corinthians 13 11
love you all!
Elder Zelasko
Jan 30, 2012
How are you all doing!?
I´m doing great, transfers came... guess where I’m going!!! You’ll never ever guess :) hahaha I´ll give you a hint... it’s close.... I´m moving to... the OTHER side of the house!!! Hahaha I´m staying in las matas again! Before I leave this area, I’ll have 6months... woo! I’m receiving elder Romero; I think he’s from El Salvador. but I’ll be working in the other side of town now....there half white washing the area.... half because I live here know the president and member, but know nothing about this side, or where there investigators live.... oh man I hope they only keep me here for a transfer... but if not I’m sure it’ll be awesome 7 and half months one area. No problem. I’m sure me and the members will be un separable.
The week was good. We worked hard did some fun things. A service project or two. Oh but we have mutual started back up!! Whoa, talk about fun. Hahaha oh man when we tried starting it we forgot there not like state side kids they haven’t done this before they don’t really know how to be reverent, the culture makes it hard for them to learn to be completely in this. It’s a little hard to keep control but boy was it a blast! Ha-ha, I’m glad I have to stay to help this keep going.
We have some serious plans going to help strengthen this branch because wow does it need some help! It’s poisoning itself. its self-destructive, the members have little desire left, they’re tired and worn out from so many years of trying now we are going setting several small things in place through the time I’ve been here, now me an sawyer are going to get both of our companionships to hit it HARD because the other companion ship wasn’t doing much to help it.
So now well get them on both fronts hard and constant. In addition, were focusing hard on the youth because there more bendable. easier to make excited and work hard. Therefore, with their help stuff is happening. we´ve started using them as examples, like look this young man has school and work to support his family yet he leaves with us two times a week, and you just have one of the two and the other half you just sit there I’ve seen you, so when are you going to leave with us? And it’s starting to get some of them to be like well I can’t get shown up by the munchkin
We’ll see what happens we just have to work really hard.
But hey, I love you all.
Elder Zelasko
How are you all doing!?
I´m doing great, transfers came... guess where I’m going!!! You’ll never ever guess :) hahaha I´ll give you a hint... it’s close.... I´m moving to... the OTHER side of the house!!! Hahaha I´m staying in las matas again! Before I leave this area, I’ll have 6months... woo! I’m receiving elder Romero; I think he’s from El Salvador. but I’ll be working in the other side of town now....there half white washing the area.... half because I live here know the president and member, but know nothing about this side, or where there investigators live.... oh man I hope they only keep me here for a transfer... but if not I’m sure it’ll be awesome 7 and half months one area. No problem. I’m sure me and the members will be un separable.
The week was good. We worked hard did some fun things. A service project or two. Oh but we have mutual started back up!! Whoa, talk about fun. Hahaha oh man when we tried starting it we forgot there not like state side kids they haven’t done this before they don’t really know how to be reverent, the culture makes it hard for them to learn to be completely in this. It’s a little hard to keep control but boy was it a blast! Ha-ha, I’m glad I have to stay to help this keep going.
We have some serious plans going to help strengthen this branch because wow does it need some help! It’s poisoning itself. its self-destructive, the members have little desire left, they’re tired and worn out from so many years of trying now we are going setting several small things in place through the time I’ve been here, now me an sawyer are going to get both of our companionships to hit it HARD because the other companion ship wasn’t doing much to help it.
So now well get them on both fronts hard and constant. In addition, were focusing hard on the youth because there more bendable. easier to make excited and work hard. Therefore, with their help stuff is happening. we´ve started using them as examples, like look this young man has school and work to support his family yet he leaves with us two times a week, and you just have one of the two and the other half you just sit there I’ve seen you, so when are you going to leave with us? And it’s starting to get some of them to be like well I can’t get shown up by the munchkin
We’ll see what happens we just have to work really hard.
But hey, I love you all.
Elder Zelasko
Jan 23, 2012
When is this Elder Jarvis entering the mission? I’ll be sure to look for him, or is he already in, oh man that’d be so cool if he’s not in the mission to be able to train him... ha-ha oh man
Oh but wow 1 Oct Is sooo much better! soo much better, then maybe I’ll get my admission or declined letter when I get home... I had almost gotten use to the Idea of working for 6 months before the Spring summer session. I´ll admit it did have its benefits, quite a few.... hmmm what do you think is better? I´m thinking it’d be better to start school asap though.
SO this week was pretty good, we worked hard it rained a couple times :) we´re working really hard to strengthen the branch. it’s really weak here. the was a couple problems they had in the past that hurt it big and a couple members in the branch who just like to fight... it’s a little difficult to work with, but the district president has started to come down to try and work with it, president is planning on coming down to do a fireside to animate the members, at least one missionary a week has a talk to try and pump the members and we´ve been told by the president to go to all the leaders house and teach them what’s there calling how to complete with their calling and how to help others. it’s tough out here. but this area really has a ton of potential. but in the time I’ve been here I feel it’s really improved, transfers are in a week and I feel like I may be moved out, but me and my comp have a few plans that if they work can really help in the long run to help strengthen the branch. I’m hoping if it’s really just a week I have left that I can do a ton this week to really help this branch.
oh so we always have this run in with a super super drunk guy, José Santiago Alcantara, José is a cool guy, but sometimes he’s just a little too drunk and angry. but he loves us as the missionaries. something we defiantly don’t love. ha-ha the man is... yea. but any way about 6 weeks back he started becoming less angry and more happy especially around us. one time he just ran up to us and gave us a giant bear hug! this was around when he was still kind of mad phases so I was like CRAP he’s going to kill us, but it was my comps first week so he thought it was just some other random guy giving us a hug so he was like YEA! ha-ha laughing like who the hecks are you¨? ha-ha it was funny but I was still worried. but yea nothing he just gave us a giant bear hug for a little while but weeks go on and he’s still pretty nice, and just like 3 days ago he stops us as usual and is like hey! I gave it all back! I gave it all to you guys; I’m just like what the heck are you talking about? he says yea! I gave it all to you guys! in a recarga! (so a couple weeks back we got a text saying your recarga of 52,115 pesos (1300 dollars more or less) has been rejected please come to the main office to reclaim your money. we blew it off even though the text number was legit. but we didn’t bother going in to reclaim it because we had no clue) so I ask José the text about 50,000? he said yea 52 grand!! and all too you!! I know you guys don’t want me or like me but I’m all for you!!! ha-ha crazy guy, I hope he got his money back because we deleted that message a while back...... so I hope he didn’t just lose out on 52k that’d stink a ton . but it was nice that he tried giving us $1,300ish dollars...
but yea this week was good love you all a ton!
Elder Zelasko
Oh but wow 1 Oct Is sooo much better! soo much better, then maybe I’ll get my admission or declined letter when I get home... I had almost gotten use to the Idea of working for 6 months before the Spring summer session. I´ll admit it did have its benefits, quite a few.... hmmm what do you think is better? I´m thinking it’d be better to start school asap though.
SO this week was pretty good, we worked hard it rained a couple times :) we´re working really hard to strengthen the branch. it’s really weak here. the was a couple problems they had in the past that hurt it big and a couple members in the branch who just like to fight... it’s a little difficult to work with, but the district president has started to come down to try and work with it, president is planning on coming down to do a fireside to animate the members, at least one missionary a week has a talk to try and pump the members and we´ve been told by the president to go to all the leaders house and teach them what’s there calling how to complete with their calling and how to help others. it’s tough out here. but this area really has a ton of potential. but in the time I’ve been here I feel it’s really improved, transfers are in a week and I feel like I may be moved out, but me and my comp have a few plans that if they work can really help in the long run to help strengthen the branch. I’m hoping if it’s really just a week I have left that I can do a ton this week to really help this branch.
oh so we always have this run in with a super super drunk guy, José Santiago Alcantara, José is a cool guy, but sometimes he’s just a little too drunk and angry. but he loves us as the missionaries. something we defiantly don’t love. ha-ha the man is... yea. but any way about 6 weeks back he started becoming less angry and more happy especially around us. one time he just ran up to us and gave us a giant bear hug! this was around when he was still kind of mad phases so I was like CRAP he’s going to kill us, but it was my comps first week so he thought it was just some other random guy giving us a hug so he was like YEA! ha-ha laughing like who the hecks are you¨? ha-ha it was funny but I was still worried. but yea nothing he just gave us a giant bear hug for a little while but weeks go on and he’s still pretty nice, and just like 3 days ago he stops us as usual and is like hey! I gave it all back! I gave it all to you guys; I’m just like what the heck are you talking about? he says yea! I gave it all to you guys! in a recarga! (so a couple weeks back we got a text saying your recarga of 52,115 pesos (1300 dollars more or less) has been rejected please come to the main office to reclaim your money. we blew it off even though the text number was legit. but we didn’t bother going in to reclaim it because we had no clue) so I ask José the text about 50,000? he said yea 52 grand!! and all too you!! I know you guys don’t want me or like me but I’m all for you!!! ha-ha crazy guy, I hope he got his money back because we deleted that message a while back...... so I hope he didn’t just lose out on 52k that’d stink a ton . but it was nice that he tried giving us $1,300ish dollars...
but yea this week was good love you all a ton!
Elder Zelasko
Jan 16, 2012
Sorry I didn’t write a real letter I’ll get that next week, I was trying to fill out a few of those college things. This week will be one of
those one where I’ll read from my journal to you all one day ;) but hey
know I love you all.
Elder Zelasko
those one where I’ll read from my journal to you all one day ;) but hey
know I love you all.
Elder Zelasko
Jan 9, 2012
Ok so this week we had our interviews with president and meeting with Hna Rodriguez. It was really fun. Though we learned a few new things. One was a bit of a surprise, that when we go home only one bag is free we have to pay for the second bag, most airlines don't include two free bags and she said very few even include 1 free bag, but any bags you have to pay for. Sooooo, I guess I’m just going to have to pay the 30 dollars to bring the other one. Airline companies... what are we going to do with them eh? The other is happy news our mission is expanding!!! WOW! It's doing so well, that the 1st presidency is for the next couple transfers adding missionaries to our mission! Pres. didn't even ask for them, we just doing that well out here. Super cool, it’s just a studly mission. But yea so on the way back from interviews, President and Hna Rodriguez were heading down to Elias pina for a conference or a fireside so we managed to hitch a ride with them. SUPER Fun ha-ha, it was fun got some bonding time with the pres. and his wife and kids. His kids speak perfect English! They´re awesome! Ha-ha, and Hermana just kept giving us chips because no one in the car had eaten. I kept trying to be like oh no I don’t want to eat all your chips but when it came my turn with the bag shed make sure I ate some, she’s super cool, she even gave us an apple! Those are a bit rarer out in las matas! It was fun. But yea I really like President and Hna Rodriguez they're super cool. Fun to talk to as well.
Oh, so did you all hear about the earthquake? It was a 5.6? I don’t know but construction here is just built super tough so nothing happened. The earth quake happened in Ocoa! My home town! WAY out in las matas we just got a small, small part of it just a little shaky waky ;) But yea the AP was over on an intercambio with the ZL at our house so me and him got up with the quake and cilus the rest slept through it. Then I saw Davis go into AP mode, pres. called told him to call all the ZLs and all them to the DLS and the DLs to others. Yea it was fun. Half the mission didn't feel it because were so spread out. But no one had any problems at all, just a little shaken up;)
Oh I have a question, can you look into this for me one of the missionaries was telling me if I want to go to school for the winter spring semester at BYU OR BYUI I have to start filling out the stuff now ,o sea you have to start filling it out now. I don't know I would just like to know if you could look into that for me, when is the dead line that way we make sure we have plenty of time to fill out the rest of the things. So please?:)
But yea other than those things nothing really happened this week. it was fun you know just trying to work out here, working hard, praying harder, getting tan, studying some scriptures. You know the usual. But hey I hope you all really support the missionaries over there, they need lots of help. Don’t let them get away with breaking rules either, crack down on them. The more obedient you are the more success you get. The more the spirit will dwell with you. Don’t let them break rules, time won’t allow for that. A good quote I like, ¨how can you kill some time without injuring eternity¨
I love you all and hope we can all use are time a bit more wisely,
Elder Zelasko
Oh, so did you all hear about the earthquake? It was a 5.6? I don’t know but construction here is just built super tough so nothing happened. The earth quake happened in Ocoa! My home town! WAY out in las matas we just got a small, small part of it just a little shaky waky ;) But yea the AP was over on an intercambio with the ZL at our house so me and him got up with the quake and cilus the rest slept through it. Then I saw Davis go into AP mode, pres. called told him to call all the ZLs and all them to the DLS and the DLs to others. Yea it was fun. Half the mission didn't feel it because were so spread out. But no one had any problems at all, just a little shaken up;)
Oh I have a question, can you look into this for me one of the missionaries was telling me if I want to go to school for the winter spring semester at BYU OR BYUI I have to start filling out the stuff now ,o sea you have to start filling it out now. I don't know I would just like to know if you could look into that for me, when is the dead line that way we make sure we have plenty of time to fill out the rest of the things. So please?:)
But yea other than those things nothing really happened this week. it was fun you know just trying to work out here, working hard, praying harder, getting tan, studying some scriptures. You know the usual. But hey I hope you all really support the missionaries over there, they need lots of help. Don’t let them get away with breaking rules either, crack down on them. The more obedient you are the more success you get. The more the spirit will dwell with you. Don’t let them break rules, time won’t allow for that. A good quote I like, ¨how can you kill some time without injuring eternity¨
I love you all and hope we can all use are time a bit more wisely,
Elder Zelasko
Friday, January 6, 2012
Jan 2, 2012
Hey how are you guys!?
Im doing great, you know just enjoying the holidays :) haha yeeaa well it was a pretty fun week for me :) you know just trying to teach the gospel to the whole little pueblo de las matas. though
here when it comes time for holidays, its just one GIant excuse to drink and drink some
more.and las matas, everyone as they grow up leaves las matas becuase theres not really much here, but EVERYONE ocomes back for the holidays, so the populations been like double or triple the past week or two. and they all just come down here to drink and party.
new years eve was just crazy, they started newyears eve morning and ended 48 hours laterish, midnight of the 1st they ended. it was just crazyness they tore the town APART!
and because everyone was wasted we had no one to talk too. so we were forced to just visit members the whole day, we contacted for like 1 hour and talked to 3 people its better to just
wait for after.
so for new years we made a traditional haitian soup
becuase elder Cilus said he wasnt about to leave that traditio. so it was supe rfun i had to peel everyything. but wow... that man knows how to cook!
oh and he made me peel some demon vegitibal, its like som eroot thingy, but you can hold it in tyour hand right but when you peel it the sticky stuck on the other side of the, you know how a root is it doesnt have bark but its has a harder thing there kind of like a carrot but harder, on the other side of that is some sticky gooy stuff and that stuff ITCHES like crazy its like a stingy itch, it hurts. so you have to were plastic baggies on your hands when peeliong and cleaning it, i thought he was just joking that i had to were plastic bags, but as ai was peeling it a little bit got on my ring finger and dang!!! that stuff hurts... haha demon root! haha
but that soup was SUPER good ! and he made a lasanga he always makes for the first day of the year and WOW ! I just cant get enough of that lasanga, hes going to teach me and whenhe finaly makes it states side hell make that for us and this haitian dumpling thing he makes and a few others.
also exciting news for this week , deborah and DAvi got baptisted!!
deborah is the cousin of richard and davi his next door nieghbor, now richard is bring two other cousins of his to churhc... richards jsut studly. just bringing in people left and right!
yea theyre cvool... but were having alittle trouble finding more people now, but life goes on. oh my visa... hah so Hma ford called me a couple weeks back to send in my visa photos so they can renue my visa, so i sent them in a couple days after at the zone confernce, gave them to the ZLS them i the browns came and i saw the ZL give it to them, so they should have been there with in a couple days. but she called me up a couple days ago and said hey ELder Z I need youre photos
still, i told her what happened and she said oh well they havnt givin me anything yet, so she said shed talk to them, and today i talked to her and she told me still hasnt recevied them. so im
going to have to take some photos soon but if we dont get them in soon imma have to finish my mission somewhere else;) maybe puerto rico ;D or florida;) but na im sure i wont get kicked out of the country.:D
but yea everythings going good here,
Love you all
ELder ZElasko
oh yes i got the package from the relief socity and From Oma and Opa,
Im writing THem back with a thanks you letter, the YOung women also sent a letter, THats super cool that ones native language is spanish, where she from that he 1st language is that? im pretty sure her spnaish is WAY better then mine.... makes sense though right.
but yea it was sweet getting those packages, feeling the love:)
yea some more photos, of cooking,
and one of the baptismal font, thats why you dont drink the water here... its nasty: )
DEC 19, 2011
oh you wanted a spiritual message or something right.... um.... what could i say...
umm a cool experience... well i was working in the capital, and well a cultural difference is here no one gets married at all, one for culture and the other is its expensive so not many people are willing to try and make the sacrifice to save up many, because most people have told me , ¨its not like there we cant save up money there's no such thing like that, you work that day and then you use that money the same day to feed your family¨¨ and an other factor is that most people are to afraid to get commented to someone there afraid the other will leave so there like its cheaper if he deiced to leave me, because most men here do have at least 3 or 4 women the have children with. so its a SUPER hard challenge to get people married, but i had a 2 families in Los Alcorrizos and at first the husband wanted to get married something super rare, but the wife wasn't in to it, and in the other family the Wife was dead set on getting married, but the husband, not really at all . so we jut kept sharing with them and eventually we couldn't figure out what to do wit either family... because the other was just too stubborn... so we started carefully planning for them every night and well prayed hard about it too. and finally we felt we just had to talk super hard to both of the families. so we shared a message with both that well was probably super hard o hear, but it WORKED! partly, we got the both of other sides to admit they loved the other and that they'll try to get married, but the big problem was the $ so we told them you just have to pray and really work hard and rely on the lord and it'll all work out. so yea. we kept working and slowly they both found more small places where they could save a little here a little there. we were getting super close to the date we set, and miraculously they were both getting super close to the $ they needed. unfortunately i got transferred out but just last week i Received a letter from the families and !! they´re was a photo with 9 AMAZING people In WHITE! all getting baptised, after working hard with them for 4 months they got baptised! it was super cool to see how through prayer and hard work while trusting in God something that seemed impossible to them like saving up that money. could be over come. it was super cool and dang ill admit i was SUPER happy when i saw that photo and read about how much they were loving church and super happy that we stuck with them. its the same with what ever problem we have in life, just trust in God and work hard and pray harder and sooner then you know it you'll be Having a blast a gain.
but yea that's my story there probably better but i cant think of it right now id have to have more time to think.
but yea my two families got baptised!!!!!! and maria!!!!! all the people i was working with in los alcs GOT baptised!!!!! I'm defiantly counting that as my baptisms i worked with them from contacting them all the way up till a week before they got baptised! always going to keep in contact with those two AWESOME families!! love em to death.
and you all two love you bye!
Elder Z
Dec 5, 2011
Well... waht can i say... I Did just make some boss mac and cheese today... so i guess you could say im the best at mixing that powder in with some milk and buttery noodles ;) though its definatly not the same as state side mac. dont know why but its not.
As far as the nativity i dont know how possible that is going to be. i asked a couple families about it and a couple have said they dont sell them here but there imported from state side. but others have told me theres a place down a street to the left up dark ally and to the right on street ¨x¨,
oh photos... the toilete one is Yoeli hes the convert i had a month ago.. thats one high quality convert! look at him go cleaning that toilet! hahah and hes there EVERY week with out fault cleaning em! since like 2 months before he was baptised! stud!
what other photos are there... no clue :D um the bapstism yea.. a bunch are from the baptism.
then theres thanksgiving! that was a blast! 
then family home evening at maria´s house.
all fun here in the mission:) of course some hard work too :)
this photo for now is the closest thing i have for a nativity i dont remeber if i sent it or not but thats it. so :)
pero ya. remeber im not writing next week so ¨dont worry, be happy¨

As far as the nativity i dont know how possible that is going to be. i asked a couple families about it and a couple have said they dont sell them here but there imported from state side. but others have told me theres a place down a street to the left up dark ally and to the right on street ¨x¨,
So i dont know the Investigation will have to wait till next pday. And as far as Sis Leftwich and Sis Porter wanting them, thats no problem at all and depending on how cheap they are i could probly jsut buy them and send them as a christmas gift wether its this year or the next :)
speaking of which i need to get you all a small christmas package going on. oh wait.... i dont remeber was that box for christmas or thanksgiving? I feel i didnt get you all anything for christmas... hmmm .... well you can never have to many mini christmas boxes going on right ;)
umm.... OH photos let me get those started i got some to send on over :D
Ok back to what i was saying.... this week was pretty awesome, you know just working hard out here in the ¨vineyard ¨ haha i just said that haha... but yea it was a really good week.
oh so me and my comp we jsut got fired from a couple appointments and we were already full for tomorrow so we couldnt contact and all the members were out of town on a temple trip, speaking of which, NEXT week Im NOT writing you all. were going to the capitail and well were one of the farthest areas out here so were leaving sunday night for San Juan then spend the night there then heading to the capitail for a mission confrence christmas dinner thing:D then well probably get to San Juan again at like 8 at night so well probably spend the night there because were about 40 mins from San Juan. haha its going to be a blast! going from one end of the mission and back. (darn i still forgot to get them photos goiong :)now for sure)
um... yea so ..this week was great.
so you all are going to stay in the apartment for an other year! that means ill be there to see it! woh! pool access ;) havnt done that in a while..oh guess what tomorrow i will complete 14months in the mission! wow time flys eh? only ten more! got to work harder!
speaking of which i need to get you all a small christmas package going on. oh wait.... i dont remeber was that box for christmas or thanksgiving? I feel i didnt get you all anything for christmas... hmmm .... well you can never have to many mini christmas boxes going on right ;)
umm.... OH photos let me get those started i got some to send on over :D
Ok back to what i was saying.... this week was pretty awesome, you know just working hard out here in the ¨vineyard ¨ haha i just said that haha... but yea it was a really good week.
oh so me and my comp we jsut got fired from a couple appointments and we were already full for tomorrow so we couldnt contact and all the members were out of town on a temple trip, speaking of which, NEXT week Im NOT writing you all. were going to the capitail and well were one of the farthest areas out here so were leaving sunday night for San Juan then spend the night there then heading to the capitail for a mission confrence christmas dinner thing:D then well probably get to San Juan again at like 8 at night so well probably spend the night there because were about 40 mins from San Juan. haha its going to be a blast! going from one end of the mission and back. (darn i still forgot to get them photos goiong :)now for sure)
um... yea so ..this week was great.
so you all are going to stay in the apartment for an other year! that means ill be there to see it! woh! pool access ;) havnt done that in a while..oh guess what tomorrow i will complete 14months in the mission! wow time flys eh? only ten more! got to work harder!
oh photos... the toilete one is Yoeli hes the convert i had a month ago.. thats one high quality convert! look at him go cleaning that toilet! hahah and hes there EVERY week with out fault cleaning em! since like 2 months before he was baptised! stud!
what other photos are there oh my tree! i defiantly saved it for a whole year! wow time flies. felt like yesterday i was pulling it out of a box lie what in the shoe shining world is this? 
oh didi i tell you how much i love the package i got! it was pretty sweet:) espesically the photos with the memories super sweet. lot of people it was super cool to see a photo of them:) or hear from em:) oh para que sepan im pumped for that call :D should be blast :)
Oh and Loves you all :)
Elder Zelaskopero ya. remeber im not writing next week so ¨dont worry, be happy¨
Nov 28, 2011
Hey Hey!
how are you all!! Well this week was by far one of the best weeks Ive had on my mission. It was Loads Of fun! But unfortunately.... I forgot to bring my camera for you all to see how great it was..:( haha but better part you all get the explanation! woot! haha but yea.
ok so first off woh! So was Jim Happy that you were all there to support him? So You wont tell me whats going on with that unless they get divorced? thats pretty extreme. Hopefully you all made it a happier thanksgiving for him.
that's SOOOO legit you got to see the salt lake temple!!!! and when its all decorated!! I ´m soooo jealous. thats on my top 5 of places i want to go when i get home! soo jealous. and wow it looks cold there! though I'm not jealous of that. its starting to get SUPER cold here in the mornings and night! wow Ive even seen my breath in the morning a couple times. mostly when theres a lot of fog. unfortunately most of us don't have jackets. but luckily i had a mum at home telling me to take this giant blanket that i thought i would never ever use and thought she was silly but luckily for me i followed that advice, and I've now served in two of the coldest areas in the mission, during the coldest time of the year for the both.... hmmm.... maybe i should listen more often;) oh and the MTC wowza it even snowed there super super cold! has Colorado gotten snow yet? it doesn't look that cold as far as that photo goes.
hahahaha I love that Photo of dad yall sent :D haha I'm sure he loves that photo. haha hes face.... oh man.
so our thanksgiving was LEGIT! we made a Giant PLATE OF
oops caps attack and accidentally send.... hmm well i bet you re super curious of what that giant plate was.... it was..... our you full of suspense now? ahah well we made a giant plate of MASHED POTATOES! So good! and then turkey was way to expensive so we made a bunch of fried chicken and lots of gravy! so good!
then we also had an intercambio with the ZLs it was fun...got some work done.
and oh yea.. crismelin and Richard GOT baptised!!! so sweet! both super studs both in it from the beginning! they were awesome. Tito baptised Crismelin and i baptised Richard. I love the both of them. they´re legit studs. so after the baptisms we went to richards house after a meeting we had and we showed up and right as we were showing up Yoeli and a bunch of other members kids were showing up with giant speakers some pop ad crackers and they threw him a party! so awesome! they all told him congrats and all that jazz. super cool.
well there was a few other things that happened...
I lost a wrestle match today.... but the guy had a bit of an advantage. elder Durrant, hes like 6.4 and weighs like 220... though i had him pinned once :) but most of the time it was me just trying to run;) hahah hes a big man... though he said it was kind of tough at times, other times dang.... lol but yea Pdays right.... haha but wow I'm so jealous you got to see salt lake temple...
but yea um... what more... oh wish catie luck for me. tell her shell have blast, it ll be the best 18 months of her life, well... not the best theres for sure more fun times after, but the most... challenging, no I'm sure kids are tough, um just Tell her shell have lots of fun and shell grow a lot : )
did you all meet david?
welp love you all lots and well talk to you all in like... what 30 days?
love ,
Elder Zelasko
how are you all!! Well this week was by far one of the best weeks Ive had on my mission. It was Loads Of fun! But unfortunately.... I forgot to bring my camera for you all to see how great it was..:( haha but better part you all get the explanation! woot! haha but yea.
ok so first off woh! So was Jim Happy that you were all there to support him? So You wont tell me whats going on with that unless they get divorced? thats pretty extreme. Hopefully you all made it a happier thanksgiving for him.
that's SOOOO legit you got to see the salt lake temple!!!! and when its all decorated!! I ´m soooo jealous. thats on my top 5 of places i want to go when i get home! soo jealous. and wow it looks cold there! though I'm not jealous of that. its starting to get SUPER cold here in the mornings and night! wow Ive even seen my breath in the morning a couple times. mostly when theres a lot of fog. unfortunately most of us don't have jackets. but luckily i had a mum at home telling me to take this giant blanket that i thought i would never ever use and thought she was silly but luckily for me i followed that advice, and I've now served in two of the coldest areas in the mission, during the coldest time of the year for the both.... hmmm.... maybe i should listen more often;) oh and the MTC wowza it even snowed there super super cold! has Colorado gotten snow yet? it doesn't look that cold as far as that photo goes.
hahahaha I love that Photo of dad yall sent :D haha I'm sure he loves that photo. haha hes face.... oh man.
so our thanksgiving was LEGIT! we made a Giant PLATE OF
oops caps attack and accidentally send.... hmm well i bet you re super curious of what that giant plate was.... it was..... our you full of suspense now? ahah well we made a giant plate of MASHED POTATOES! So good! and then turkey was way to expensive so we made a bunch of fried chicken and lots of gravy! so good!
then we also had an intercambio with the ZLs it was fun...got some work done.
and oh yea.. crismelin and Richard GOT baptised!!! so sweet! both super studs both in it from the beginning! they were awesome. Tito baptised Crismelin and i baptised Richard. I love the both of them. they´re legit studs. so after the baptisms we went to richards house after a meeting we had and we showed up and right as we were showing up Yoeli and a bunch of other members kids were showing up with giant speakers some pop ad crackers and they threw him a party! so awesome! they all told him congrats and all that jazz. super cool.
well there was a few other things that happened...
I lost a wrestle match today.... but the guy had a bit of an advantage. elder Durrant, hes like 6.4 and weighs like 220... though i had him pinned once :) but most of the time it was me just trying to run;) hahah hes a big man... though he said it was kind of tough at times, other times dang.... lol but yea Pdays right.... haha but wow I'm so jealous you got to see salt lake temple...
but yea um... what more... oh wish catie luck for me. tell her shell have blast, it ll be the best 18 months of her life, well... not the best theres for sure more fun times after, but the most... challenging, no I'm sure kids are tough, um just Tell her shell have lots of fun and shell grow a lot : )
did you all meet david?
welp love you all lots and well talk to you all in like... what 30 days?
love ,
Elder Zelasko
Nov 21, 2011
Ok... so i had a nice Huge letter, super well written, then my computer turned off and because this is an old comp it didnt have autosave stuff. so it didnt save the draft..... so Super sorry but i do no feel like re writting that again.
ill give you the sum of it;)
- Super pumped for thanksgiving, were making a big dinner
- I sent a package, it basically only has food that you allready have, so open it before you go tto utah,
- Wow youre going to utah!! super cool!
- Sasafrass! now you can be sassy y frassy! always a great excuse to get you sas and frass on.
- you´re moving! thatd be so cool! have a place of your own! wich means i wont see the new place....
- save a pie for me;)
- Crismelin and Richard are getting baptised next week!!!
- A family named there baby after me, Jeremy :D
- Work is going SUPER well here.
- My comp is cool. likes to work hard.
- Love you all and cant wait for dec 25 to call.
- ELder Selasco.
- P.s. TIme Moves FLYS I only have 10 months left, need to work harder :)
-P.S.S make sure ou give the missionaries at home some great references, talk to your friends about the gospel.
- Have fun!:), and again i love you all.
- :D
ok so i have a little more time so imma do expansion on the stuff :)
i bet you all are pumped for thanksgiving! I m pumped for it! were going to make a huge one with turkey and all, if they dont have turkey well find a ham or something, weve been saving and stuff.
this week richards getting baptised! as well as crismelin! Im Super pumped! there both studs! both into it since the beggining! im almost positive that richard will be general authority one day so keep your eyes open for him! hes a stud!
so with he package i sent, where im at anything that is realtivy souvnier like is expensive soo... i figure ill jsut wait till i go home and just buy something for all the fam and it sounds like the porters too since you all are unseperable now;) I´m accutally super pumped to see the new place, and if you all are buying a house thatd be AWESOME! super good investment i think. just will take a while to get off well. well i got some business plans that should set me off well young so ill help you all once im good :) though thatll stink that we wont have the pool and work out place when i get home iw as looking forward to getting super fit for college;) oh well guess ill jsut have to start now:) time is shortl. but wow the work is progressing super super well here! I love the mission! by far the best investment of time ive done im learning soo much for sure.
Lifes great and welp ill tlak to you soonon christmas! wait youll be in utah!! that means i could maybe talk with all that family! wow ! so cool. oh but the package i didnt realize youd be in utah so i didnt get anything for them so.. you should open that before hand. though share the dulce with them if you want, if it holds till then, if not enjoy and share with family and studs a like ;) hey but happy thanks giving!!! tell me all something youre gratefull for next later and ill do the same!!
Elder Zelasko
loves you all!
ill give you the sum of it;)
- Super pumped for thanksgiving, were making a big dinner
- I sent a package, it basically only has food that you allready have, so open it before you go tto utah,
- Wow youre going to utah!! super cool!
- Sasafrass! now you can be sassy y frassy! always a great excuse to get you sas and frass on.
- you´re moving! thatd be so cool! have a place of your own! wich means i wont see the new place....
- save a pie for me;)
- Crismelin and Richard are getting baptised next week!!!
- A family named there baby after me, Jeremy :D
- Work is going SUPER well here.
- My comp is cool. likes to work hard.
- Love you all and cant wait for dec 25 to call.
- ELder Selasco.
- P.s. TIme Moves FLYS I only have 10 months left, need to work harder :)
-P.S.S make sure ou give the missionaries at home some great references, talk to your friends about the gospel.
- Have fun!:), and again i love you all.
- :D
ok so i have a little more time so imma do expansion on the stuff :)
i bet you all are pumped for thanksgiving! I m pumped for it! were going to make a huge one with turkey and all, if they dont have turkey well find a ham or something, weve been saving and stuff.
this week richards getting baptised! as well as crismelin! Im Super pumped! there both studs! both into it since the beggining! im almost positive that richard will be general authority one day so keep your eyes open for him! hes a stud!
so with he package i sent, where im at anything that is realtivy souvnier like is expensive soo... i figure ill jsut wait till i go home and just buy something for all the fam and it sounds like the porters too since you all are unseperable now;) I´m accutally super pumped to see the new place, and if you all are buying a house thatd be AWESOME! super good investment i think. just will take a while to get off well. well i got some business plans that should set me off well young so ill help you all once im good :) though thatll stink that we wont have the pool and work out place when i get home iw as looking forward to getting super fit for college;) oh well guess ill jsut have to start now:) time is shortl. but wow the work is progressing super super well here! I love the mission! by far the best investment of time ive done im learning soo much for sure.
Lifes great and welp ill tlak to you soonon christmas! wait youll be in utah!! that means i could maybe talk with all that family! wow ! so cool. oh but the package i didnt realize youd be in utah so i didnt get anything for them so.. you should open that before hand. though share the dulce with them if you want, if it holds till then, if not enjoy and share with family and studs a like ;) hey but happy thanks giving!!! tell me all something youre gratefull for next later and ill do the same!!
Elder Zelasko
loves you all!
Nov. 14, 2011
hey hey hows everything going? life's pretty good here. I'm loving it, ¨every day every hour every second¨the mission is awesome. especially when you have some great progressing investigators, we have a few scheduled for the 26th. my new comp reminds me a lot of Gram marge, he ahas a lot of the same mannerisms. we for sure are going to get a lot of work down together. he loves to work hard, and well I'm personally not opposed to it now;) before the mission that may have been a different story;) na I'm actually still pretty lazy :P everyday learning something new and learning to grow. Love the mission. its awesome.
but hows things at home? Hows school, hows Braille , hows the new house, well i guess it isn't new but i for sure cant wait to see what its like, where do we live again? over by the library? oh I'm planning on sending a package soon, unfortunately i still haven't found a nativity set, though i still have about 10 months to find it. weird time flies here. haha flies meant to say flys. though still what 15 days till i have 14 months no 21 days... but I'm sure it ll be here before i want it to be here. oh so you all know i may not write you in 4 weeks. on the 12 of DEC that day. because we are having a misison wide dinner!!!!!!!! for Christmas!! mission wide!!! Ive never had that before!!!, but because were so far out by haiti, well have to stay the night over in azua, then we go over to the capital have a conference , Christmas lunch then well head back over to the las matas. arrive super late i cant wait but because its going to happen pday i wont be able to write you all. just a heads up,
but hey love ou all
good luck:)
Elder Zelasko
but hows things at home? Hows school, hows Braille , hows the new house, well i guess it isn't new but i for sure cant wait to see what its like, where do we live again? over by the library? oh I'm planning on sending a package soon, unfortunately i still haven't found a nativity set, though i still have about 10 months to find it. weird time flies here. haha flies meant to say flys. though still what 15 days till i have 14 months no 21 days... but I'm sure it ll be here before i want it to be here. oh so you all know i may not write you in 4 weeks. on the 12 of DEC that day. because we are having a misison wide dinner!!!!!!!! for Christmas!! mission wide!!! Ive never had that before!!!, but because were so far out by haiti, well have to stay the night over in azua, then we go over to the capital have a conference , Christmas lunch then well head back over to the las matas. arrive super late i cant wait but because its going to happen pday i wont be able to write you all. just a heads up,
but hey love ou all
good luck:)
Elder Zelasko
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