Monday, April 11, 2011

4 Apr 2011

About sister porters spaghetti - yea i didn’t really like the veggies but man I loved the sauce. It was awesome, but now I’d probably just chow those veggies on up. So what’s the proportion of peppers and mayonnaise? Luckly that’s it because that’s about all they have here and I’m down for a little variety. As good as rice and beans is though. As for that picture you want. I’m trying it’s going to be a bit difficult. We´ve been going to this different internet center. Where yea... it’s different so maybe I can work it out, but I got a few legit photos for you as soon as I get the chance to send them. Oh and I should be getting that recipe soon for the spaghetti and you’ll love it.

So it continues to amaze me just how much we affect people’s lives every single day, Weither it’s something as big as baptism and helping them get on the right course to live with Heavenly Father again, or something as simple as just wearing eyeglasses. We were teaching this one lady a few days back and she had a few questions about how god answers prayers and stuff and earlier she was talking about she always has a headache and couldn’t see very well. We asked if she went to the doctor and turns out he gave her glasses but she didn’t wear them so we related this a little bit. That just like with a doctor we can go to him as many times as we want asking for help or asking what to do to get better but until we start doing what they say to do they can’t exactly help us even if we don’t want to do it, but it’s what we need to do and may make us look silly. I said look I’m wearing my glasses and yea maybe i look a lil silly, but i can see . So right then she’s like right’o in few words and went and got her glasses and yea same with god we have to be obedient to his commandments and all that, for him to truly help us a ton yea. haha Later we saw her in the streets a couple days later and she thanked us and told us how her headaches went away and she could she a ton more stuff and yea.. kind of cool to see how we affect people’s lives even if it’s something as simple as wearing glasses.

So the other day a random breeze came out of no where, you could hear doors slamming all down the street and it broke one of our window panels it was woah! so we ran outside to look and down the street was a lil dirt devil and it quickly went away but after a lil while it came back left then woah! It got super huge and super, super tall, tall. Tall as high as you could see and was super, super thick and dense. I think at that point it could no long be classified as a dust devil but yea a full on tornado. It was HUGE but it stayed for about 20 seconds then left. and yea that was the end of that but when it first showed wow it was pretty cool didn’t think to go and get my camera.
But yea..So we got the opportunity to go and watch conference!!!! It was AWESOME!!! I loved it more then I thought it would and I think this is the first conference in years I’ve stayed awake for the whole thing and was intently listening. but yea it was legit got a ton of good stuff out of it. I can’t wait for the magazine to read em more.
It was even cooler to see my recent converts there. Well at least for the first two session.
None of the investigators went. It’s been super hard trying to find someone who wants to progress lately. Oh but Manuel a man we were teaching for a while but he fired us once and we couldn’t get a hold of him for a while after that. We ran into him in the street and he’s just like hermansos! que pasa why haven’t y’all passed my house eh? We told him we tried a lot but he’s like ohh forgive me hermanos I want to follow god and I think what y’alls teaching me is what’s right.Forgive me and come by my house. The man is in it. He always asked super good questions and was super super interested in it. He’s always inviting his family in to listen. He even scheduled the next appointment so his nephew would be there at that time. After he gave us a couple hugs and went his way. haha The man’s a stud, for lack of a better word. vacano?

So we went to the caves again this week. It was awesome! We went to the back caverns this time. My last chance to go and well it was defiantly worth it though every time i go I get cut up. First time was on barb wire on my wrist. This time I jumped over the river and to what I thought was a stone by a tree. So I went to stop myself with it, cause I lost my balance and it turned out the stone was part of the tree and most trees here have spikes covering them all. So I lost my balance went to stop myself with my one hand was like dahh! So without thinking I went to push off it hard, with my other hand. The whole time Iwas thinking it was a stone and I was thinking what the world kind of stone is this this is ow! But I was still trying to gain my balance while trying to push off this devil tree. I’m sure it looked comical, but man after my hands were nice and bloody. Just a few good cuts on my middle finger thumb and other fingers. It looked way worse after then it was. Someday that devil tree will get his, one day when its super dry out there and forest fire comes..

haha but yea oh 6 months this week!!! woot woot 1/4 done with my mission. It went super fast... not sure how i feel about being 1/4 done. Because that went super fast I can’t tell if it was too fast or a good pace... can’t tell because Ilove it out here.
Guess we’ll find out soon enough because i hear it goes even faster once you leave youre first area and transfers are this Sunday. I’m pretty sure I’m leaving gran ol Ocoa. I kinda want another transfer here, but at the same time I want to move out of the house its getting a bit ... tempers are getting high? I dont know how to say it but a few people are starting to like to fight a lot. They just don’t fit well with each other.. but I love the area and the members. but I’ ll go where you want me to go dear lord. That’s a song just so y’all know. oh so this eh stuff just randomly comes out... Ithink i told you last week but were were on the bus and we were told um there but some other lady got off so he went again and i fell into my seat and just shout hey, adonde puede eh? super random when the eh comes out but there it is. but yea on the same day i get 6 months jordan gets 16 years!!!!!! wooh happy b-day to her.
wooh wooh
Did you all get my package yet? There should be two because they had to split the one i sent because if its 4 pounds or under its 300 pesos to send if its over then its 1300 to send mine was 200grams over so them split it up and sent to packages you get em yet?
I Don’t know what i was going to say i had "i dont kn" written but my comp talked to me for a second and i forgot what i was going to say..... must not have been important... anyway love yall choose the right and enjoy what you got because you got it good
Love elder ZElasko

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