Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sept 12, 2011

wow Go Jd what a Stud!! Proud of that Guy, I´ll so chip in to help pay for his mission as soon as i get a job. I´mma find him some sweet ties to take on his mission! its (the mission) going to be AWesome! hes going to LOVE it!.
Yea i was acctually wondering that the other day too if i could still do the Flag, you know getting fatter and all, so i tried it and i cant do it as long but ican still do it. though one arm pull up and a few other thing i could do are out. so i got to really take advantage of that 30 mins in the morning to work out. can he do it?
Na im not discouraged at all things are acctaully going Great out here. the work is starting to really flow again. I´ve just been a little tired, were starting to work harder. i really like it. like for example this week was stake confernce and we had Two HUGE families go to church!! one of the families was domingo and kika! we´ve been working with them since i came to this area and now they finally have a BAptisimal date and marrige date!!! and there whole family came to church all 6 of them!! then we had Joel and emily come to church as well! and we just put a date for them to get married and baptised too!!! and Emily keeps bragging about how she went to church before a while back and how shes going to be baptised in it! and her two daughters came to church and joels two sisters came with him too! jessica and lilian. and there both reading a TON of the BOOK of mormon! and lilian is taking about wanting to go on a mission haha and all that!!! there all just a gaint family of escogidos its AWESOMe to work with them, and Pres was there at the stake confernce and we inturduced him to all 15? of them and he took pics with them and said hell come down some time to teach a lesson with them with us. so thatll be a bit nerve racking having to teach with Pres right there. haha but i like this pres WAY more he involes him self way more with the missionaries. he even went through the temple with us!
yea and we went to the temple!! super Amazing! I learn a lot each time and it always makes me want to learn more. but becuase we went to the temple today is only a half pday so thats why im writing a lot earlier. we have a lunch appointment in an hour or so then a ton of citas so... yea. but this week was really one of my best weeks.
haha claro im writing in my journal! haha i filled up that little black one you all gave me for christmas and ive a little bit into another one. I´m just always joking about stories to tell you when i get back, though if you want when i get back i can read you some stories;) hah Ill stop messin with you. but na im for sure writing in my journal, though my memory had acctaully improved a lot. especially with names and directions. super hard to write directions here. its not just street blue house number 4. its 1st side street of the 2nd side off main rode, blue metal house behind big red house of wood. stuff like that. theres absulutly no orginization here. they just throw a house where they want and out of whatever they want.
I accutally had a dream the other day the Jd got called to this mission and that this guy in my house was training him and me and him were house mates. it was cool and his comp was dominican which means he learned a lot of spanish in the MTC,CCM. but it was pretty fun. though when i get back thats probably be when hes leaving right? hes got a year? and i got about a year as well.

but love you all
Elder Zelasko
CHoose the right and all that jazz! :)

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