haha why is there a cabbage in the center of the cake? thats super super wierd. is jd seriously thinking about going on a mission??? thats is awesome!! and claro que si id help pay for his, imma be working on a crew ship and im sure that makes decent money.;) wow so cool! tell him its AMazing!! you learn soo much out her about the church and everything of course but also about yourself and how to deal with situation that stink and comps that stink and areas that arnt ideal, not that thats all thats out here this area is amazing you learn alot about the good too, but no one needs to learn how to enjoy the good. of course theres good too in fact theres way may good but im just listing things thatll help in the future like dealing with stufff thats not exactly part of your plan and how to deal with it. and money managment, and social skill and all that jazz. alot of stuff escential to know for life. super necsary.
so transfers came in, im staying in this area and im getting an american comp!!! the first time in 6 months!! and the first time an american is going to be in my house in alost the same amount of time! im beyond pumped! i can talk english WHen ever!!! ahh .... it going to be great:) im pumped.. i saw a pic of the guy hes going to make me look like a dwarf. darn hes tall. but he has a little more time then me, but thats cool im hoping we can work super hard this transfer. i got a letter from bob and toni ( the BaT crew if your curious but they tell people TB, but as Toni pointed out thats also the name of the disease. but i tihnk they still go by TB sooo... maybe they can be the BaTcrew with TB hahah na... its whatthey want people to call them but im going to call them the BaT crew, BaT crew is for Bob and Toni. B a T BaT and crew because there cool and a cool crew need s cool name. but back to what i was saying....) and Bob Talked a little bit about what him and one of his last comps did like work super super supe rhard only 15 mins for lunch and all that and when it came to it... just squirting honey in your mouth to save time and run: now i dont know about being that extreme but i want to follow that suit and WOrk my b u t t off this transfer, my comp may dislike me for that so im hopin he has the same goal. but yea well see.
um this week was alright
Santiago and Rosa darn they are the studlest people i know! im almost positive theyare going to get baptised. i dont see how they cant. but there amazing... other then them however... we dont have much progressing. imma change that with elder Brezack. its going to be great.. best transfer ever coming up.
but hey that cool you got brielle back! itd also be cool to get a job.. debt does stink my plan is to only go in debt once for a house and yea, imma pay school off as i go. imma work a mircale watch. i aint ever going to be in debt. but if i can know how much are you all in? so you know i know because if some horrible diaster comes to morrow and yall die which i hope doesnt happen in any way, id like to know to know how good of a job i should get so i can help pay it off because whats your debt is mine as well. i inherit it right right? haha so yea how much we talking about?
hey sister birrell! what a cool person, its cool to see her again.
hey J its super cool to go on a mission, but as always its your choose,
love all of you
Elder ZElasko