Tuesday, June 28, 2011

May 23, 2011

so just so you know I wrote everyone else last week but saved yours for last like I normaly do so i have the most time to write but last week the power was horrible and I wasn't thniking about that during email. Because it came at normal time that day for some reason but then as I was half way done writting you the power quit and because the power was gone for neary all day evry day for about 4 days all the peoples generators were out and im in a city right now where they dont have much of anything they only have one inernet center thaat everyone uses so everyone after a depeveravtion of power was trying to get some pwoer in.

oh so you know you should be proud of me i wrote great grams in spanish and also a bunch of thank you notes to random people in the ward. There generic so if you see someone I know just pass em out ;) na but I gave it to the ZL and he said he knows a place thats pretty relable in bani so hes going to try and stop by super quick during the week to send it off. It has ali's hippo too so if you could jsut give it to her when she stops by from school. but yea i wrote some thanks letters without having to be prometed too ah yea im growing up;)

But nothing really new happened this week transfers came and im going to be sending ELder guzman off to his house. Its a bit distracting because it is dawning on him more and more evry day hes going home so hes talking about things he wants to do when he gets home. but i should be here for at least 3 more months becuase of that 6 weeks to kill him off then 6 to show the new guy around.
oh though you know our investigator gisselle? Always asks super great questions and super in depth and knows every thing? yea so we´ve finally got her to go to church! its awesome. she went last week but not this week because of the rain but no one leaves there house if its raining. but she told us it doesnt matter rain or shine shes going to church this week because its her birthday and she wants it to be spiritual. so woot! though we stil havn't gotten her to accept a baptism date. she shares the gospel with all her friends and the phamlets too and she says she loves the book of mormon and konws its true I'm pretty sure she said she told a friend she was mormon but she still seems to have a fear of gtetting baptised... but its alright take her time right.. though she now has all the lessons and half of the lessons of the church regualr teaching. incredible.
but imma wrtie more in a second. love you much
Elder Zelasko

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