haha man I've heard so many random descriptions of my hands. Well only 4 but, still all pretty weird.
Oh man I'm jealous of that snow, though we got some pretty legit rain over here. The other day, I heard a rumor from the missionaries that the more you work in the rain the better looking your wife will be. All I gotta say is she better thank me. She probably looked in the mirrior yesterday and was like, dang!, in a good way of course. haha
haha I really hope it warms up in time for Josie's thing. Though that would be pretty cool a summer winter wedding. Now that I'd like to see. Multi themed be hot at the wedding then at the party nice and snowy or for the photos snowy! Yea! haha
Shot in the head huh? (talking about bin laden) That reminds me of this dog I saw the other day. So I don't know what's with the animals here but its like a horror theme they all got going. The other day I saw a kitten I was like "oh hey lil guy how you doing?" It turned its head and had a black hole for an eye and some teeth missing. Yesterday I saw a dog laying on the side walk I thought it was taking a nap, looked pretty peaceful. Then I looked at it's face and it defiantly got hit by a motor. Nasty! Then there was another dog super fluffy but, it was missing a leg. Well I could go on but I'd rather talk about your mouse. haha you should've seen my house in OCoa. That place was full of mice and rats. hah We had a few late nights on a rat chase. One night we managed to corner it but, it was behind the fridge. So I got up on the counter to tilt the fridge, not cause I was scared of the mouse, ovbiously. haha I was to tilt it then the other two had brooms ready to smaack it when it came out. But it ran to the left and they where smacking left and right with the brooms so i decided to help too ,see i wasn't scared, and in the end we ended up killing it but we also broke 3 or so bottles and yea it was super fun.
No it doesn't bother me hearing about Jessica's wedding at all, I'm actally pumped for her one of my ol´buds getting married! How cool is that! haha If it snows for josies it'll snow for hers. haha Wouldn't that be fun for ya'll.
I hear its tradition to bear your testimony in your mision language so im guessing yea. If you want when I call you next week I can do it then, then I wont have to later hah.
hahah GO Bishop! I´m so pumped to have Bishop Drollinger as my bishop not that Bishop Shumway wasnt good. But Drollinger is well AWESOME! I really hope he isnt released before I get back. Thatd be way sad. Oh man I cant wait!
So this Pday was probably one of the best Pdays I've had yet. We woke up at 430-5 and went to the chapel for a "spiritual breakfast" I thought they'd be a little bit of food at least... nope just 5 of us. The branch pres give's us a scripture about cleaning and declares we are to clean the chapel a deep clean. So we set to work and slowly more and more people showed up but for a while it was just us. Taking ALL of the cahirs outside and all other random stuff. Well cleaning the chapel here is WAY more fun then state side. Everything is made of tile so what they do it just bring in the hoses get soapy rags, soapy brooms and just have at it! The whole building had at least an inch or two of water! haha It was crazy! Then we washed ALL of the chairs! I did a quick count and there was about 200 metal chairs and about 260 of the white chairs. We lugged all of them in and all of them out. and moved em a few times around while outside... man oh man was it fun! We spent till 1 in the after noon! Though eventually someone went out and bought some bread and soda with some butter and we all ate a few pieces, then at 12 pres bought some fried chicken. it was super super fun.
So this week we should have two baptisms!!! fansico and yuleisy! and should be putting a meta con gisel. She's super into it and aways reads a TON. She saw us in the street the other day and said she's strated reading the BOok of MOrmon to know it better! shes crazy cool.
Man oh man. Oh so I dont get what it is about here, Stateside I'd try my hardest to sweat. Didn't really work up nothing.. Now I'm just sitting down and well right now I'm working up a bit of a sweat. ya tu sabes. radismo. oh we were contacting the other day. When someone dies here the whole world comes and just sits outside there house. The WHOLE town.. its a smal town here. So the street we were working to go teach all of our citas was on this street then our first cita someone died. so we couldnt go near it. Then all their neighbors said they were to busy sitting to support the person so we kept going down the street and litterally within 30 mins of us going there someone else died. So we couldn't go there either and the whole street was siting there too! so we didnt teach a single lesson that day and had to find a new place to contact but far from there because anyone within airplane flight was on the street. I really want to know how my old investigators are doign in Ocoa espcailly megalina and wilson. And if my 5 guys are still gong to church. Last I heard it isn't looking to good. So I want to go up there and talk with them about that. but yea... till later
love you all choose the right , read your scriptures and dont forget to pray.
Love yall
Elder Zelasko
This is them cleaning the chapel, I was on sweep duty sweeping the water out. You can see the one hma in the back with a ton of water coming up.
This is of some of the chairs,
This is why our house is ALWAYs dirty. but you know he's thinking " dang you know aint no one else going clean this up"
This is my comp he walked otu the door I called his name he looked, I took the pic.
the next is a spider we found behind our stove when cleaning... pretty big
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