Monday, February 28, 2011

28 Feb 2011

Hey hey
This week was AMAZING! Yea we went to the temple and that itself was amazing, but what’s even cooler is what happened after the temple. So who do you think we'd happen to run into in the middle of the pacific? And just happen to have the right session time to have them come out right after us?

We were all just sitting out side the temple getting ready to leave then, um Elder ... I forget his name but he’s the secretary for the Caribbean presidency comes out just talks to us for a second says well today we have a special guest in the temple today, he’s coming out right now actually, were all like oh cool... then he just says something like yea Elder nelsons a pretty cool guy then walks off... ha-ha were like WOH wait ... THE Elder Nelson?

So we decided we could wait a second or two. then about a min later Elder Nelson just comes on out looks back in holds the door for his wife and The WHOLE Caribbean presidency and temple presidency and Elder Snow of the 70 presidency and yea were all just stared at him and he stared at us for like 5 mintues then his wife said yup looks like missionaries to me ha-ha. but yea

At first he thought we were all from the ccm (MTC) and said oh I'll be going in to talk to all of you in a second but then once he told him he shook all are hands and said hi. It was AWESOME. Ha-ha, we were SOOO lucky to have gone to the temple at the exact same time as him. Wow.

So that was a pretty good experience in itself. But unfortunatly for that we had to go to bani for the night becuase were so far out from the temple. And because of that, we had to fire six people and the next day we didn’t get back until five or six so we had to fire six more people. So that after noon we just taught our progressing people in La Barra. But the next day was just running around trying to apologize and reschedule people and then going all the way to the Barra again...
Going to La Barra branch really makes you miss real church and real hymns. Because that place is just a GIANT primary. When they sing no one really knows the hymns so its just yelling at the top of there lungs and singing like senor te nesecito, they make that one sound like some kind of Indian tribe song its actually sounds almost cool but yea, and everywhere is just rushed and well defiantly a very new area trying to grow up, literally.

But the good thing about that is every Sunday we have five people there woot woot and there all progressing still! Especially Rosanna she reads everything and she even took notes once! She’s awesome. However the other four think learning is just memorizing a line and not even the significance of the line. There's gregorio, tyson, wellington( we actually starting to work with his family a little bit which would be awesome if that worked out) then daneri. though lucky we've been working with that problem and now there actually learning stuff and can explain stuff, but every time we go they all try and impress us with stuff they’ve learned. Like we haven’t taught Word of wisdom yet but there telling us what kind of stuff we shouldn’t drink or eat. Ha-ha, it should be fun. Unfortunately though we had to push gregarious baptism back a week, because he skipped church but I think we would of had to anyway because not to be mean but he has a harder time learning then the others but we've started to find a new method to teach him that seems to be working better for him to understand it better. Which is good, I just hope my new comp can follow that method.
Speaking of which... I'm getting a new comp! Tuesday or tomorrow. He’s a Dominican, unfortunately, I still can’t remember his name it’s kind of hard. Elder A.... something.. but yea I hear he doesn’t speak a lick of English so... yea its going to be a hard transfer, and by the end I'm thinking ill have some really good spanish, hah hopefully at least, I'm sure there’s still quite a few kids in my old Spanish class that still have better spanish then me but, we'll see after this transfer :)

Did I tell you all I'm officially 160lbs and probably over now so I'm guessing that’s why my pull-ups went down... ha-ha but yea started working out a bit harder to prevent any more weight. Cause then it will get out a control and nasty. then maybe it will look like my shirts fit me;)

But yea nothing really happened this week it just flew by... what happened more had to have happened.... we had a personal record amount of teaching this week, just because we have progressing people.. But we defiantly did a lot better this transfer then last. Our lessons with member doubled and without them went up a good amount too so yea nothing. Oh megalina and Wilson... Still not married! Those two just need to go to Haiti and work something out. But their daughter nesira we finally got her to take a baptism date!!!!! she’s always been talking about how she was baptized in the catholic church we always explain about authority and how you need it so woot con that! Um yea and she’s had all the lessons been going to church with her mom every time she went, she’s 22 by the way not a lil one. But um yea....
oh yea so this may be a reason I gained a TON of weight last month I did the math and on average for that month if I remember right I ate something like 700 cookies like Oreo size... I was addicted to those. But I got off them and am slowly finding healthier snacks in the colmados that are still cheap but filling. I'm gonna miss colmados when I got state side, (good thing I have a while till then eh?) But yea colmados really have anything you need and are on every single corner, you just go in grab what you want put the money down and leave.. There is no line process if you wait in line style you will never get to by what you want. Never will you stand there all day. Though some guys are nice and be like no el primero. But others its fight or flight. but yea we never have to carry snacks around, you think hey I'm thirsty you turn to your left run in and grab one give the money and you’re down, hungry same deal, in and out you have what ever you want right there at all times, its kind of like 7 11 but smaller and no line. So were afraid were going to go stateside grab stuff put money on the counter and leave and they’ll be like hey there mister! Best not be stealing my stuff. and a lot of the colmados don’t count but trust you like I gave paid our colmado guy in 1s and he will for the most part ask X amount right I say yea he gives the Dominican arm and we go our ways. I love our colmado guy he’s awesome. funny too. we actually ended up contacting he’s house one day that was diffenrent apparently he lives in pueblo abajo about a 10 15 min walk away usually the people have there house connected to there house. not far at all. but yea I think that’s all
Good luck everyone and have a good week, live life to the fullest but choose the right, and all that jazz or at least something to that tune.
But love yall
Elder Zelasko

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